"Alien Orreries" - 16/02/2019 Oxford Trip
I decided to base my wheel designs on historical scientific instruments. So it was off to Oxford for a research trip to the Museum of the History of Science (which may well be my favourite museum now).
Persian Astrolabes
Gothic Astrolabes
Astronomical Rings & Armillary Spheres
Other Astronomical & Astrological Devices
Compasses & Sundials
Drawing Set
Mood Boards
It was the astrolabes that caught my imagination and this mood board contains some of the designs/details I thought could be useful (images courtesy of the museum's wonderful online catalogue).
It was this spherical astrolabe that really caught my attention. It's the only complete one in existence, and is just beautiful.
Quite different from the monotone brass of most astrolabes, this has a lovely dark brown patina contrasting with a bright white metal. The pointers are elegant but simple and the engravings are not overly ornate.
Quite different from the monotone brass of most astrolabes, this has a lovely dark brown patina contrasting with a bright white metal. The pointers are elegant but simple and the engravings are not overly ornate.